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Susan's Secret Garden
Photography by Susan Spitz
My Bio
Welcome to my garden, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I have a passion for photography, as my photo's are an expression of my heart, of what I feel inside. My camera helps me capture and express those feelings in a tangible way. I am spontaneous and expressive, as are my photos, and because they are an expression of my heart, my hope is that they will also speak to you, the observer, and enable you to see and feel reflections of what you experience in your own heart. This, I feel, is what true Art was meant to do.
Mine is a garden filled with diverse places, sunshine and shade, light and shadow, winters chill and springtime's rain, joy and sadness, happiness and pain. So may you enjoy a relaxing, reflective stroll, and perhaps find a short reprieve to rest and contemplate as you journey through its winding paths.

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